Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Joiner :)

Well, Hello 2011! 

Yes, I'm a little late. Let's just say I've had about a 2 month split from any workout at all, and it was TIME to get back in the gym. Yesterday, Bradley and I joined at a nearby gym and I was so anxious and ready to get back into the swing of routine.

Here's a thought: Body pump is not a beginner class :) I can already feel that I'm going to be sore tomorrow - good? Yes!

While it can be hard to get back into the routine of working out, I think you all can agree that once you do it, you don't regret it.

Joining a gym in January has its pros and cons. Joining a gym that you're going to alone can also be kind of scary - tons of cardio machines, weight machines you may not know how to use, people come in and people leave, you may not know anyone.

Let me give you THE PROS of starting in January comes in.
  • You are NOT the only one. - Everyone is in the gym working on their fitness and new years resolutions, it's easier to make new gym friends when there are more people like you! 
  • Gyms run specials. - example - when I joined yesterday the enrollment fee went from $80 to $30! 
  • Busy gym, Busy machines - Because it is January, and so many people are hitting up the gym, you may have to wait to workout on your favorite machine, that's ok though, you sometimes need a break anyway, right?
  • You may feel pressured - At my gym there are many advertisements for free stuff - bring a friend, and you get this, or do this and you get that - you don't HAVE to pay attention to them!
Just remember you are not the only newbie. Just do it, and you'll thank me later :)

Check back later for my goals for 2011 and my journey as I go back to school after being out of school for 2.5 years!!! yikes!

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