Sunday, January 9, 2011

Foam Rolling - hurts so good!

Last Thursday I decided to try out the gym, and more specifically the group class called Body Pump - you may remember my brief mention of it here. Let me just say that Friday I could barely walk!!!!

And, that extreme soreness continued all weekend. Luckily I had heard of foam rollers from you other bloggers out there, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I went to Academy and picked up my foam roller and I was anxious to experience it's benefits. WOAH! Very soon after I rolled my sore muscles, I could feel relief! You can get your own foam roller at Academy, or any other sporting good store. It's really simple to use, just lay over it and roll those muscles!

I'm not sure why I was this sore this time. Of course, I expected to be a little sore - as always is expected after time off from your workout routine. But this time was like none other, and I'm not really sure why.

Now that I can actually walk around and sit down without simply falling into a chair, I plan on doing some light walking today to work that lactic acid out of my legs. Tomorrow, I have every intention to go back to the Body pump class - I love getting into the routine of things!

Also, this week, I return to school! I have been out of school for over 2 years and I am really excited. There will be lots more about this in the near future.

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